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Canon Extender RF 2x Rental

  • 2x Focal Length Magnification
  • Compatible with Select RF Telephotos
  • Maintains Metering/AF/IS on Compatible Lenses
Rent from Lensrentals


The Canon Extender RF 2x mounts between your RF-mount camera body and RF-mount lens in order to give your lens more reach through magnification. It features a built-in microcomputer for seamless communication among camera body, lens and extender. Note that this extender reduces your maximum aperture by 2 stops. It is recommended that you attach the extender to your lens and then attach the pair to your camera body. Extenders allow photographers to shoot from greater distances without having to resort to using larger and longer lenses. They are compatible with both full frame and crop frame sensor cameras and they are ideal for sports and wildlife. Compatibility may expand over time. Currently, this extender is designed for the following lenses:

Special Note on Canon RF 100-500mm Compatibility: Canon states the 100-500mm RF lens is compatible with the Canon Extender RF 1.4x and the Canon Extender RF 2x. However, in our tests we've found that it's really only compatible when used within the 300-500mm range. Additionally, the lens must be in the 300+ position for the teleconverter to actually mount. Not doing this could severely damage the lens and/or the converter. Please only pair converters with this lens with caution.


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